Jon Riekkola, Beloved Staff Member 022517

Jon Riekkola, Beloved Staff Member

of Warrenton High School on

Long Term Medical Leave

By Mary Nauha

Students at Warrenton High School have missed their daily rants with custodial and maintenance technician, Jon Riekkola, who is on long-term medical leave. Jon’s absence became necessary due to the sudden onset of headaches and dizzy spells leading to a diagnosis of neuroblastoma tumors which are affecting various regions of his brain.

Mr. Riekkola, fondly known to all as ‘Jon’, came to WHS after a long career in farming and other business-related endeavors. He owned and developed a driving range that was used for Astoria High School’s golf club and managed other properties around the county.

Jon had learned throughout his life to work with both his hands and heart. Having five adult sons of his own, he possesses an extraordinary concern for students but, being the outspoken person that he is, Jon’s contribution at WHS–outside of vast improvements made in the maintenance department–wasn’t immediately felt by staff.

Jon might certainly have been on a debate team if there’d been such a thing when he was in high school. He always welcomed the opportunity to discuss opposing views with both students and members of the staff as anyone will tell you. His conversations were always jovial and what some would consider politically “incorrect”.

In time, however, Jon became a respected and invaluable member of the staff as a sort of liaison between them and their students. He noticed when people had their noses out of joint and didn’t reprimand them, he gave them a place to be heard and have a voice. In an environment where personal connection can sometimes be over-ridden by responsibilities and classroom dynamics, the hallways became a place of reprieve where students could safely express their momentary frustrations and engage in comic relief with a member of the staff.

Jon’s ability of lifting people’s spirits through daily conversation was quickly recognized and will be sorely missed. His presence–and opinions–have brought a new perspective to how members of staff and students can support each other by his example. Jon has always been a strong support to all who know him, and especially in the lives of the students that he so deeply cares about.

The family wishes to express their deep appreciation for the many members of the staff at WHS, for the many wonderful expressions of their appreciation and love for Jon. Jon’s family especially wishes to express their affection for the students who have come to mean so much to him. He thinks of you each day and has pasted pictures of each one from his year book next to the heartfelt notes placed in the spiral pictured here. It has meant so much to him to hold these memories close.

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