Police Finally Net Fisherman 022517

.Police Finally Net Fisherman who Plays Hard to “CATCH”

Clatsop County Sheriff Files

Local fisherman, Donny Sturgell, led police on a wild chase as he was set to be arrested for a probation violation on February 8, 2017. Of note is that Mr. Sturgell was previously arrested in January after another chase in which he was attempting to elude the police whilst riding on a skateboard. 

The problem with arresting Sturgell on February 8th, however, was that he was headed out to sea aboard a local fishing vessel. The police contacted the vessel and demanded they return to port and deliver Donny to them at the dock. The vessel did turn around and return to the Skipanon. Sturgell, however, took it upon himself to “don” a survival suit and jump overboard, swimming away undetected to freedom on shore. Harbormaster and police, alike, searched for hours using boats and spotlights, but Sturgell was missing in action. 

It was discovered that Donny had made it out of the water and had fled on foot, encountering a friend who gave him a ride and shelter at their apartment. Eventually, the friend allowed authorities to enter to their apartment rather than face charges for obstruct of justice and Donny was taken into custody. Donny Sturgell was booked into the Clatsop County Jail at 12:14 p.m. on 2/8/17, where he is awaiting trial.

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