Not often you meet someone who becomes an instant friend. Sometimes you just find a real gem of a human being. John Rodriquez is one of those.
I met John in 2019 as a guest in one of our several Airbnb’s for an extended time.
He was a friendly sort, easy to talk to and showed a sincere interest in other people. I guess that is what we came to enjoy most about John, he was always open to discussions about many topics.

Whether it was politics, which seemed to be the constant in life at the time, or about our personal life adventures or his two most favorite and passionate occupations, one being a Dosimetrist for Cancer centers or a passionate Real Estate investor.
In all honesty I had no idea there was a career called Dosimetrist. But I soon came to find out that this is the radiation oncology specialist who plans your radiation cancer treatment, its targeting of the cancer and the dose at which it is given. Pretty impressive stuff. I had a small tour of the center he was helping to launch, and I was incredibly impressed by the technology and how important the Dosimetrist was in the whole process of cancer treatment. It is serious stuff and requires some serious intellectual brain power.
And that is what leads me to the real point of this article. John is a smart guy. He has a lot of life experiences and is a professional from the word ‘go”.
- Here is a list of his credentials…nothing short of impressive.
- 1984 Radiation Therapy certification
- 1988 Medical Dosimetry certification
- 1991 Bachelor of Business Administration, Management
- 1992 Radiation Protection certification
- 1993 Masters of Business Administration, Management
- 1994 Bachelor of Science, Radiation Therapy
- 1999 Magnetic Resonance Imaging certification (MRI)
- 2001 Computer Tomography certification
- 2006 President of Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board, National Board
- 2009 Texas Real Estate License, agent. Texas Real Estate Commission
- 2011 Texas Real Estate Broker, Licensed. Texas Real Estate Commission
- 2016 Registered Investment Adviser, currently an associate of an Investment firm in Scottsdale, AZ Series 65 exam, administered by North American Securities Administrators Association Registered with the State Administrators of Texas and Louisiana
- 2019 Masters of Science, Applied Science and Technology
- 2021 Maximum Strategies- Online Real Estate Investing education “Startup”
But not only is John well educated, he is most importantly a giver…he loves to share good things with people to elevate their lives.
Sitting outside our Airbnb, he spent countless hours speaking to my husband and I about our future and our retirement and gave us all kinds of helpful advice to help us find out way into retirement.
He focused mostly on what he has done to insure his retirement future. Which is Real Estate Investments.

This is one of his biggest passions and he has such a wealth of knowledge and it just flows from him in such a natural and clear way.
You always hear someone trying to give you advice, while in the back of your own mind, you ask yourself, “is this what they do for themselves and is it really successful for them as well?” The answer in John’s case…ABSOLUTELY!
John bought his first rental property in 1988, and in Austin, Texas. And still owns and leases out this property to this very day. He now owns 10 properties and makes not only additional monthly income as rentals but has increased his asset wealth as the properties have appreciated in value over the years. The proof is in the pudding as John’s real estate models have proven their profitable worth through the recent pandemic times.
He is now able to sell or leverage his real estate and retire comfortably when he chooses to do so.
Well, John left the new Cancer center he was helping to launch about 4 months after we first met and returned to his home in Texas, but we continued to stay in touch.
We shared our goals and adventures and he shared how his investment in real estate strategies were doing.
Somewhere in all those conversations…John realized he had a gold mine …a treasure trove…. of information that he could share with others to help people navigate the real estate investment world.
It was a tried-and-true method of investing that was not prone to the ups and downs and the unpredictable and risky investments so many seek after. It is a steady and stable growth, and it is what John refers to as the “LONG GAME”.

So, during one of our calls John stated he was toying with the idea of launching a Real Estate course to help others succeed as he had. I knew right away that this was a great idea and that he would be a mentor like no other. He would be the kind of mentor that would not just be in it for the cost of the program, but because he really cares and wants to see people succeed.
So, after some “think tank” sessions, we came up with some ideas on a name, the branded look of the course and John went to work putting the content together. And after several months of learning …then trial and error with technology, MAXIMUM STRATEGIES, InfoRad Inc. was launched.

Just knowing John, seeing the entire content of Johns courses, It is my opinion that you will not find a course with more golden nuggets of information that will help you not only succeed in the long run, but in the process you will learn so much about “how” to manage and make your rentals less headache and more profitable.
For anyone out there planning their long-term future and thinking of ways to retire or to strengthen their already existing real estate portfolios, John will share all he knows and also commit himself to personal mentoring time for those who take his course.
Regardless of the course cost, you will more that earn back your costs associated with this course in your first investment opportunity with some of John’s wisdom and insights. He will show you how to save money and to protect your investments.
And it is nice to know, that the person who is trying to sell you something, genuninely cares about you and your success. For John, this is not just about making money, but about helping others to succeed and make a better life for themselves and their loved oneS.
Don’t let this exciting, rewarding opportunity pass you by. Contact John directly at MAXIMUM.STRATEGIES@GMAIL.COM or by clicking on https:// and listen to one of Johns free introductory courses.
“John Rodriguez is my very good friend. He helped me with Real Estate advice many, many times. I met John at a locum job when I was his boss as a Medical Physicist and he worked as a Medical Dosimetrist. Years later we still keep in touch. John wanted to share his hard earned Real Estate Investing “Pearls of Great Knowledge” with everyone and developed a web-based Real Estate Investing tutorial. I highly recommend it if you wish to succeed in acquiring real estate and make money or you may wish to share this information with friends or family.”
Alicia HarrisMedical PhysicistHouston, Texas

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