M&N Workwear has been a family-owned and operated business for 88 years along with calling Astoria home since the 1990s. M&N offers a wide variety of boots, pants, shirts, rain gear and much more for the hard workers, hunters and hikers of their community. The Christensen’s (owners) are committed to providing the best outdoor products at the best possible prices. They believe their gear needs to be as rough and tough as the Pacific Northwesterners that buy it.
M&N’s sister company, Gun & Boots & Gear, is here to cover all of your firearm sport or hunting needs. With a professional, knowledgeable, and friendly staff, Gun & Boot & Gear is an easy option for buying, selling, gunsmithing, estate liquidation and more. If you’re in need of a new hunting rifle, binoculars or ammunition, make sure to check them out.

The next big adventure for the company is to host the first annual Clatsop Outdoor Show at the Clatsop County Fairgrounds on October 26th and 27th. It is the premier local outdoor show for any outdoor enthusiast! From optics to hunting gear, boots to clothing, land or sea, it’s a can’t-miss event for anyone looking for extraordinary deals on quality outdoor equipment. Suppliers like Danner Boots, Gerber Gear, Carhart, and Finesse Rods will be there to help you enjoy the beautiful Pacific Northwest with a little more comfort and quality.
As an added bonus to show attendees, you can buy raffle tickets to win a bunch of cool prizes , and swag from the variety of big-name vendors at the show. M&N Workwear wants it to be a fun family-friendly event that showcases all the great assets their community has to offer along with products to optimize the outdoor experience.. Their VP of Marketing, Jeremiah McGrath, said it best, “ Without our customers, we don’t exist.” To learn more about the Clatsop Outdoor Show, visit their website www.clatsopoutdoorshow.com