Underage Drinkers go out 022517

Underage Drinkers go out with a BANG!

Seaside Police Files

By Shaylyn French

4th of July Already?

It might be safe to say that it is illegal to shoot of fireworks in Oregon. Even on the Fourth of July, there are also restrictions to what people can enjoy at their own home. However, for several individuals in the early wee hours of the morning (approx 2 a.m.) this logic had escaped their minds.

On Saturday night, police received reports of what was assumed to be gunshots near the turnaround. Upon arrival, it was discovered that the sound was in fact fireworks. 

Fireworks of Contacts, MIPs, and Warnings.

The fun that night didn’t last too long for the group. 4 of the individuals received MIP citations and 1 subject was warned for illegal fireworks.

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