Every now and then someone in a community stands out with gifts and talents that impress, making us want to know how they achieved their goals and talents.

Most of us have no idea what we want to do with our life, we grow up with lots of options and opportunities presented to us as possibilities, but finding your strengths and talents can be difficult as you try to live an everyday life.
Sometimes thru Gods providence, we find the very thing we are meant to do or it finds us thru a series of events or opportunities… but often…it is the good old fashion “dreaming to succeed” coupled with intentional focus and hard work that pays off in the end. And, when it happens, it’s one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences and the story behind the journey can be interesting and inspiring to others.

Which brings us to Brenten Salisbury. Born and raised in Clatsop County, Brenten has been involved in the community for years. Working and serving the community in a variety of ways is at the core of anything he does. He is deeply committed to his faith in Jesus, and the way he lives his life is with this at the forefront of all he does. Brenten has devoted a great deal of time doing short term missions, serving others in need, in a variety of locations, some in other countries and some across the USA.
Simultaneously, Brenten has had a passion for drawing. Something that he played with in his younger years but only recently wanted to develop his abilities fully.
Many of us saw Brenten at the local coffee shops practicing his drawings. Each time we saw him, it was obvious that he was a quick study and gaining the skill rapidly.

Now…just a few short years later, Brenten has just completed illustrating his first children’s book called “I AM WIND”. A collaboration between Brenten and Lori Bays, the story writer. The book shares with kids the attributes of God that we see in the world around us. A subject dear to his heart.

Please listen to this audio below to hear more about his artistic journey, how he followed his passion and dreams, how he developed his skills and what he had to overcome to succeed.
And now…what is next… no one knows for sure, but Brenten does know that God has a plan and he just wants to be in the center of whatever that is. If that involves him using his artwork to share the things of God, then he is willing and ready.
Click link below for audio interview:
This book is available to purchase locally and will make a great Christmas gift for any young child on your list… and Brenten will even get you a signed copy if you want. Just ask him !
Brenten can be reached direct messaged on Facebook messenger under his name Brenten Salisbury, or you can purchase the book direct from Amazon https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FI-AM-WIND-Lori-Bays-ebook%2Fdp%2FB0CM45985B%2Fref%3Dmp_s_a_1_1%3Fqid%3D1699723914%26refinements%3Dp_27%253ABrenten%2520Salisbury%26s%3Dbooks%26sr%3D1-1%26text%3DBrenten%2520Salisbury%26fbclid%3DIwAR0WktVwW8KLvIRmtmFzZLqNVQKAU3IkkW7P_L_0se4JqN2IGbg4psnD05U%23mediaMatrix_secondary_view_div_1699723938325&h=AT3wyjd7Tk77H2wkozBC0Y1LkLGiGXJhvDUwiey443NPByhqZPOPDkGoUpNfWO4FdRafbDfI5NebgHDpRmRfyJ8r1EHw-1n2PDPwkXqEiTUyxjNFJvoWY8sTB1DU7S9w7OYIzQA9o42i8xoigCQ, Barns & Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-am-wind-lori-bays/1144163587?ean=9781662881534 or from the Publisher at www.xulonpress.com