In the past couple of months, one may have noticed some local fundraiser events for the Safe & Sober graduation parties. There have been restaurants supporting the efforts, and some money collection jars are found at local businesses. The bottle and can drive is planned for the upcoming weekend and the following weekend will be busy with a concession stand during a district wrestling meet at Warrenton High School.
Without any connections to graduating high school students, it may not be so clear what these fundraisers are for and what is the purpose behind them.
History of Safe and Sober
The name “Safe and Sober” is a nationally known concept of programs preventing drug and alcohol use. There are many educational programs for students and parents about dangers of substance use while reinforcing positive decisions. As a result there are many schools organizing Safe & Sober Graduation Parties for their graduating high school students.
The graduation night has historically been one of those events when youth often tend to celebrate with heavy drinking involved. Since 1990 the parents of WHS seniors have planned and organized alternative celebrations to keep the students safe and away from the roads. Organizing an all-night long party takes some creativity, and finding places both fun and affordable can be a challenge.
In the past WHS senior parents have either voted to send the students to out-of-town locations or decided to use local venues. Supporters can be found for both options, but the main goal has always been that the students could have fun in a safe environment. Last year, the class of 2018 made a trip to Seaside and participated in bowling, arcade games and laser tag, and also went swimming at the Astoria Aquatic Center. One student remembers that the event was fun and successful, and besides all the activities, they enjoyed the gifts and prizes that were shared during the night.
Bottle & Can Drive on February 10th at WHS
The parents are behind the fundraisers to make these parties possible. The next fundraiser, Bottle & Can Drive, will be this Sunday, February 10th from 10AM-4PM at the WHS parking lot.
The organizers encourage the community to bring all those empty cans and bottles that easily pile up at home. Many types of bottles and cans are accepted, including coffee and tea bottles, juice bottles, soda drinks, water and beer bottles.
The money collection jars can be found at the following businesses in Warrenton: Main Street Market, Mini Mart, Fultano’s, El Compadre, Arnie’s, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Dooger’s, SuperMart, FishMongers, Buoy 9, South Jetty, Dairy Maid, and Astoria Fultano’s and Astoria Mo’s.

There will be other fundraisers happening in the next few months. Warrenton Fultano’s will be doing a all day long benefit on April 5th, and 10% of all the sales will be donated toward the Safe & Sober Graduating Party.
Any donations are also appreciated and can be sent directly to the WHS c/o Safe & Sober Graduation Party Committee. Any questions about the upcoming meetings or fundraising events, please email Lucy Kapua
Picture: Money collection jars for WHS Safe & Sober Graduation Party can be found in local businesses.