ClatsopNews Writers Share their Favorite Stories from 2017

As we reflect on 2017, your ClatsopNews team has pulled together their favorite stories from the year.  It was our first year of publishing content and we are already planning stories for next year.

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Wendi Agalzoff

My favorite article to work on one was “Nikki Sasso and Josie Morinville Reflect on the Power of Dance.”  It was such an honor to sit down and talk with these two young ladies and learn how they have turned personal obstacles into opportunities to lift the community up.  They were an inspiration.

Katherine Johnson 

My favorite article to write was the story on Hazel Nyberg because I didn’t know much about Alaska or the Inupiat culture. It was fascinating to sit down with Hazel and learn about her native culture and what it was like when she was growing up in Alaska.

Lisa Lamping

My favorite story was about Jen and Thomas Stevens overcoming debt. I personally have known Jen for over 20 years and I was so inspired by her discipline and drive to accomplish what seemed like an impossible feat.  I loved their positivity and outlook for the future.  They have inspired many to consider their own futures and how to take control of their finances.  They showed us it could be done.

Nancy Keaton

My favorite story was “Columbia River Bar Pilots Brave Dangerous Seas to Guide Boats Safely.” I think these people are incredibly courageous to do the job they do in the conditions they do. I can’t even imagine doing it.

Annamarie Morrill

I enjoyed Wendi Agalzoff’s story of Claire Ogren. I liked it because it gave a really positive picture of Claire as a right person doing that job. Also, the article had nice perspective  about how the residents liked her. The story was very inspirational and well written.

Dave Nelson

The story about Johnny Davis and the Blazers championship team was my favorite because, it’s history. It was Oregon’s first professional sports championship and so many people have memories of it. I wasn’t born when that game occurred, but listening to him and the details he told me, I felt like I was there. He was one of the best interviews I’ve had, and I’ve had the opportunity to interview many, not just sports.

Editor’s Pick

I sincerely enjoyed the article about Team Trevor.  I always like to see profiles of people doing positive things in our community, like this crew from Columbia Memorial Hospital.

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